
Heh! you're turning sixteen in about an hour and forty-five minutes time. Sigh time flies soooo fast. Back in primary one we were still comparing who completed our work faster. And most of the time, you always beat me because i bet you cheated or something! Then it came to track at primary six where we became best buddies when you 'stole' my handphone number since it was easy to remember. remember the 98555955! HAHA!
Then we went insane. literally.
Then sec one we went to our different schools due to our contrast in HEM HEM* TALENTS.
And now, tuition-ing together for almost 4 years, you're here, sweet sixteen and still i see you with that cheeky smile everytime i look at your POOT face!
We've been best friend's for almost 4 years now. and friends for almost a decade. zomg. long time friend, same old tricks.
sigh, how time flies.
everyone, amelia's weak spot is to poke her sides. GOGO!
amelia, i lurbexzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzx eeux.
happy sixteenth, egg.
Amelia! You are so lucky to have sucha kind friend like me :D I didnt post some PICTURES of you AHHH HAHAHAHHAA. Well, blackmail is only a teardrop away :D bully me and your face is screwed. literally. okay almost. HAHA
look forward to my present :D HEH.