I have been studying here for the past 3 years. the memories, the experiences, the bonds.
These have impacted, affected and changed the way i have become.

Today, was my secondary four graduation ceremony. It was so emotional i guess. There were many, many photos that were on slideshow on the screen, so many fond memories were rushed back into my mind.
On monday, we were asked to write a letter of thanksgiving, apologies,resolutions and gratitude to our parents. And as my mom read mine today while in the hall, listening to You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban, she cried. I guess she was touched by my letter she claimed that was TOUCHING. hah. i love my mom.
When I am down and oh my soul so weary
When troubles come and my heart burdened be
Then I am still and wait here in the silence
Until you come and sit awhile with me
Halfway through the ceremony, she had to rush back to work. We met in the canteen and hugged. I've never felt so alive in my life. I realised that i love my mom so much, through trials of fire and strife. She has been there no matter what.
I almost cried.
after that, she left and my classmates and i went back to class and took pictures.
i shall let the pictures do the talking for now.
The Graduation of Galen Ng :)

this is actually all the photos for the actual ceremony. im currently awaiting pictures from my friends and other sources for the pictures of the ceremony. i shall update again.
My mom and i took a picture in the canteen before we left. she looked wonderful :D

I love you mummyyyyyyyyy
You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be
There is no life no life without it's hunger
Each restless heart beat so imperfectly
But when you come and I am filled with wonder
Sometimes I think I glimpse eternity
for now, the pictures taken in my class.

We then went to the canteen where the reception was held. we ate:D

Gerald's sister, Gloria.

Luke Tan, Sailor, Sportsman Of the Year.

426, class of 2009.
btw, there's the video of the graduating class of 2009.
any problems viewing it please contact me thanks.