10th June.Ru hui's birthday partyyyyyyyyy
Yesterday, i met up with Amelia and took a train to Paya Lebar to meet TED.
The three of us then took a bus to Parkway Parade to buy a present for RUHUIIIIIIII
Okay anyway, i had already decided on buying a hamster for Ruhui but i wasn't sure of anything lol. So when we reached, i was glad i had Amelia and Ted there. If not i'd been the blur block of my life. There were actually so many things that had to be bought for ONE hamster. I was actually intending to buy two hamsters, but because of some costs problem, i only bought ONE. :(
then we took a bus to East Coast park where we missed one bus stop (SORRY), and we roller bladed to the chalet. I surprised Ruhui with the hamstaaaaaaaaaa!
Okay after that, i just helped around with the bbq abit together with amelia and ted :D WE ate ALOT of chicken wings and left out the bee hoon :O
Okay about an hour later, all of ruhui's friends came but since it was getting late and Amelia had to leave at 8, we decided to spend the little of our time left to go roller blade a bit :D Amelia tsk tsk, good improvement! but stop holding on to ted's hand la! HAHA. But she looked alot better now :D
So amelia and ted left. Then i felt so alone! Because Ruhui had to attend to her guest haha. But it was a little interesting to see IJ TP girls having their little fun. Dancing, screaming. yknow, girl stuff when they are girls. anyway, only 4 of us stayed over. Rajali(sorry if i spell your name wrong), Estelle!, Ruhui and I.
So when everyone left, the three of them went to the beach to have some girl time :) and Ruhui came back so red and of course, DRUNK. Because estelle and rajali brought bacardi and vodka tsk tsk. after that was just crazy okay. Ruhui started spouting nonsense, dancing and whatever .
IN THE MORNING, at FIVE AM, Ruhui wanted to drag us out to watch the sunrise. I almost fainted. lol. I rejected the sweet offer and went back to sleep XD. BUt yeah, so at about 8, Rajali left, FOR TUITION -.- and at about ten, Estelle left to meet her friends at SENTOSA. WHERE IS THE BEAUTY SLEEP THAT LEGEND SAYS THAT GIRLS NEED. So there was only Ruhui and i left. We slowly packed up and checked out. I sent her home in a cab!
RUHUI, hope you had fun at your chalet! Happy fifteenth birthday!