Okay chrono' order.
On wednesday, my friends and i went to watch transformers on the opening day! haha it was fricking awesome and i want to watch it again! anyway, i went to watch with Jeryl, Yong xun, Leonard Lim, Luke and Amanda. The rest of the guys went for the 6.30 show and we were at the 7.30 show because Jeryl had free tickets so we had to split up abit lol. But by the time we ended, the rest of the guys left except Bernard and Ryan; so we just went home lol.

Okay next event, Micheal Jackson :( even though i'm not the biggest fan of him, i'm sure he made a huge impact on a lot a lot a lot of people. Apart from the child abuse allegations and plastic surgery, i guess everyone can recognise his talent for singing, dancing and performing.
So i just wanted to pay tribute to the king of pop, the legend. And the person who impressed me most with his singing and of course his famous, moon walk.
He died on, thursday, 25june 2009
RIP; Singapore.
Okay apart from all that sadness, yesterday i went To Pasir Ris park with Ru, Bernard and Jasmine :D we planned to meet at 1 but Ru and i were late so we met at 1.30. I guess the day was alright but i wasn't expecting that the two girls were roller blading lol. I was quite surprised they could roller blade! Kudos! haha. So in the end, Bernard and i cycled and the two girls roller bladded haha.
But half way through our two hour rental, Ru hui couldn't take it and wanted to swap with me. Luckly she changed to a slightly bigger size and i could just almost barely fit into her skates. My toes were almost deformed i tell you XD Jasmine tried to swap with bernard but in the end, Bernard gave up trying to blade so they switched back. Hahahaha funny couple.
After the cycling and skating, we headed down to the beach where it was almost deserted -.- but we changed anyway and just soaked in the water. The two girls were idiotically risking their lives and threatening Bernard and I to get into the water by just going further and further away from shore. tsk tsk. Okay we didn't really take note of the time and by the time we actually finished, i had supposedly 10 mins to get home. So i bathed and rushed ruhui out of the toilet and frantically rushed home. tsk tsk. That sucked. Thanks for the fun day out guyssss


Not galen

Confirm not galen

This guy name george.